Nourish You Chia Seeds 150g – 100% Clean Chia Seeds for Eating | Certified Organic | Seeds for Weight Management | Rich in Calcium, Protein & Fiber, Omega 3 and Antioxidant |…

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Set Alert for Product: Nourish You Chia Seeds 150g - 100% Clean Chia Seeds for Eating | Certified Organic | Seeds for Weight Management | Rich in Calcium, Protein & Fiber, Omega 3 and Antioxidant | Healthy Snacks - Rs. 136


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Set Alert for Product: Nourish You Chia Seeds 150g - 100% Clean Chia Seeds for Eating | Certified Organic | Seeds for Weight Management | Rich in Calcium, Protein & Fiber, Omega 3 and Antioxidant | Healthy Snacks - Rs. 136
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  • At you can purchase Nourish You Chia Seeds 150g - 100% Clean Chia Seeds for Eating | Certified Organic | Seeds for Weight Management | Rich in Calcium, Protein & Fiber, Omega 3 and Antioxidant | Healthy Snacks for only Rs. 136
  • The lowest price of Nourish You Chia Seeds 150g - 100% Clean Chia Seeds for Eating | Certified Organic | Seeds for Weight Management | Rich in Calcium, Protein & Fiber, Omega 3 and Antioxidant | Healthy Snacks was obtained on June 25, 2024 11:59 am.
Last updated on June 25, 2024 11:59 am
Last updated on June 13, 2024 4:59 am Details
Nourish You Chia Seeds 150g – 100% Clean Chia Seeds for Eating | Certified Organic | Seeds for Weight Management | Rich in Calcium, Protein & Fiber, Omega 3 and Antioxidant |…
Nourish You Chia Seeds 150g – 100% Clean Chia Seeds for Eating | Certified Organic | Seeds for Weight Management | Rich in Calcium, Protein & Fiber, Omega 3 and Antioxidant |…


Nourish You Chia Seeds 150g – 100% Clean Chia Seeds for Eating | Certified Organic | Seeds for Weight Management | Rich in Calcium, Protein & Fiber, Omega 3 and Antioxidant |… Prices

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  • HYDRATION HEROES: Chia seeds absorb up to 10 times their weight in water and release it slowly, keeping your body hydrated on a daily basis.
  • OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS: Chia Seeds are a rich plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to various health benefits, including brain health and reducing inflammation.
  • FIBER-RICH: Chia Seeds are packed with dietary fiber, aiding in digestion, promoting satiety, and supporting healthy bowel movements.
  • ENERGY BOOST: Chia Seeds provide a steady release of energy, making them an excellent addition to your pre-workout or midday snack.
  • ANTIOXIDANTS: Chia Seeds contain antioxidants that help protect the body against free radicals, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
  • HEALTHY SKIN: Chia Seeds’ abundance of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids may contribute to healthier skin by promoting hydration, reducing inflammation, and protecting against oxidative damage.
  • WEIGHT MANAGEMENT: The combination of fiber, protein, and healthy fats in Chia Seeds can contribute to feelings of fullness and assist in weight management.

Additional information

Specification: Nourish You Chia Seeds 150g – 100% Clean Chia Seeds for Eating | Certified Organic | Seeds for Weight Management | Rich in Calcium, Protein & Fiber, Omega 3 and Antioxidant |…


‎Certified Organic, High In Protein


‎150 Grams

Ingredient Type




Item package quantity



‎Chia Seeds

Appropriate Age Range


Serving Recommendation


Package Information



‎Kilaru Naturals Pvt Ltd

Item part number


Net Quantity

‎150.0 gram

Product Dimensions

‎10 x 15 x 5 cm, 150 g


‎chia seeds

Country of Origin


Reviews (706)

706 reviews for Nourish You Chia Seeds 150g – 100% Clean Chia Seeds for Eating | Certified Organic | Seeds for Weight Management | Rich in Calcium, Protein & Fiber, Omega 3 and Antioxidant |…

4.0 out of 5
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  1. magdum khan


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  2. Avinash Krishnamurthy

    This the is the best chia seed I found.

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  3. AKA

    Organic chia seeds at an affordable price.

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  4. Shireen Sequeira

    The first time I bought this brand it was fantastic. This time I found lots of mud like particles in it. Not a pleasant experience at all. Especially if you like to munch on the seeds as you drink the water.

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  5. rakesh

    Oh I simply adore these lil guys! Now, where do I start? Ok, let’s start with the packaging. NourishYou natural chia seeds comes in zip-lock packaging which according to me is a big bonus because I don’t have to turn my house upside-down searching for an empty container/ a zip-lock pouch to transfer the contents of the pack! Made my life so much easier!
    These tiny seeds are high in protein, fiber, calcium, antioxidants, and omega-3s. I take chia seeds regularly-once a day mostly for breakfast.
    How I have implemented it in my diet: I soak 2 tbsp of chia seeds in a cup of coconut milk/soy milk(since I am lactose-intolerant) overnight. In the morning, I add in the slices of 2 bananas, a handful of strawberries/currents, cubed slices of half a green apple(hate the red ones) pomegranate pearls sometimes(I’m not a big fan of pomegranate) and 2 tbsps honey. It’s a great thing to have for a healthy and delicious breakfast. Keeps me feeling full until lunch-time. If I’m like REALLY hungry, I add about 1/4 cup of cooked oatmeal to the original recipe.
    And on the days when I’m in a hurry and don’t have time for breakfast, this is what I do the night before. I soak 2 tbsp chia seeds and 2 tbsp oats in 1 cup coconut milk, taken in a glass bottle. Add 2-3 tbsp honey, mix it well and keep it in the fridge over-night. In the morning, I’ll just grab the bottle and rush out for college.
    This thing is fantastic for weight-loss and in achieving a slimmer waist-line. This stuff is especially recommended to women who suffer from abdominal bloating.
    A word of caution: People who are allergic to nuts and seeds should take chia seeds with caution. Chia-seed allergy is a serious issue and if you feel nauseated or develop a splitting headache, vomiting or diarrhea after consuming chia seeds,it means you are allergic to it. If the symptoms persist, you need to get medical help asap.
    Oh and also, chia seeds should NEVER be taken in it’s dry form .Soaking chia seeds in water before you eat them is safe; after they’re soaked, chia seeds develop a gelatinous coating which helps them to move swiftly through the digestive track. Chia seeds should ALWAYS be soaked in liquid-water(most preferable)/juices/yoghurt/milk before you consume it, else the seeds might expand after ingestion and block your oesopagus completely. It can be fatal. So, always SOAK, SOAK, SOAK chia seeds in a liquid before you consume it.

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  6. Dr. Prickly

    I add to my protein bar and soak it in night and add to my smoothies and other healthy drinks

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  7. Gurmeet Kaur

    The product is good and clean for consumption.

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  8. Avinash Krishnamurthy

    I recently decided to research on those foods that are nutrients rich and found out how three different organic products that were peoples favorite.

    1) Flak seeds
    2) Chia seeds
    3) Hemp seeds

    All three seeds fall under the genre of “Super-foods” and they rightly belong there, I suppose. Although my first preference was to go with Hemp seeds, Chia seeds weighed more in the “Protein” and “Omega 3 fatty acids” category. Hence, I decided to go with it.

    It took me two days to finally confirm the brand name I wanted to buy Chia seeds under. The brand “NourishYou” had lot of positive reviews for Chia seeds, which affected my selection process a lot.

    I received the product very neatly and securely packed as usual by Amazon. Once I opened the packing, I found the “NourishYou” zip-lock cover that contained the Chia seeds I was eagerly waiting to try.

    To open the zip-lock cover, we must first cut it open on the dotted lines printed on it. Once opened, it was hard for me to resist trying them out. I found online the instructions on how to best add these seeds in our diet.

    Although these seeds can be readily consumed, the best way to eat them is by first soaking them in a liquid food over-night. Failing to soak them before consumption could lead to stomach bloats or other such effects.

    Once they absorb the liquid they are soaked in, they look exactly / very similar to soaked Basil (Tulasi) seeds. There have been instances where people have been cheated with Basil seeds over Chia seeds.

    Eating them dry is a strict NO because they could stick to the throat and cause difficulty in swallowing; especially when followed by drinking water, as they bloat quickly.

    As the seeds lack a flavour of their own, they can be added to pretty much every food you eat! Best is to add 2 tsps. of these seeds to fruit juices or Milk over-night, refrigerate the drink and consume it in the morning.

    There are tons of recipes that include Chia seeds that can be found online!

    When stored air tight, the shelf life of Chia seeds can be up to 2 years! If you don’t / can’t keep them air-tight and away from sunlight, refrigerate them to store them safe for longer time.

    Along with high concentrations of proteins, Omega 3 fatty acids, and other important nutrients, they contain more fat per serving too. Hence, eat them in moderation; max. of 5 tsps. per day. Read online about their other benefits / negative effects if any.

    It costs a lot per 100 g, but considering how healthy it can make you given enough time, I would say we must try it for a few months at least.

    I’ve read online that some people can expect results of Chia seeds consumption almost instantly, but I couldn’t tell the difference before and after eating them, YET. It is also said that it takes some time to notice changes in some people.

    I do believe that all that consumption is helping me positively in a way I’m unable to notice; just like my regular diet.

    What I’m saying is, it is definitely a huge benefit to your health to include such super-foods in your everyday diet, provided you can afford it on a regular basis.

    UPDATE (07/June/2016):
    Bought two more packets of NourishYou Chia Seeds. I’m satisfied with the product. This is becoming a habit – a healthy one 🙂

    UPDATE (27/June/2016):
    Purchased two more packets of NourishYou Chia Seeds again, which arrived today; in perfect condition.

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